While definitely a “lite” version of the more immersive games you may know from PC, you can still guide your Sims’ lives from childhood to old age, have them raise families, earn a decent living, and live happy lives. But just to remind you, this is a game for Android and iOS devices, and it’s from the very same (current) makers of the Sims series, Electronic Arts. If you’re ready for more ways to increase your Simoleon and Lifestyle Point counts in The Sims FreePlay, we’ve got a couple of tips for you after the jump. Fair warning, you have to clean up the puke after they throw up. When you shake your iPod for a few seconds, or whatever you are using, while playing Sims, they throw up, or they bend over and moan. I have noticed something kind of cool though. That is really the only cheat I have found for Sims after the update. See Full List On you don't have all your Sims plant a crop, they will be house bound and you will have to inspire them. Now, go to Sims and your crops will be finished. Next, go back to settings and change it to the original date. (Don't worry, it won't delete the app) Next go to the game and let it load. Sims should be the first or second one), and hold onto the icon for Sims.

Once you change the date, double click the home button (This will bring all the apps you recently used. Next, go to settings and change the date to July 1, 1985. Have all your Sims, or a couple of them (It doesn't really matter), plant the vegetable that gives you the most money. The one and only cheat I use is quite simple. I found about that cheat after I updated, so I was pretty pissed. I know there are all the videos on Youtube about getting Simeleons for free by hitting the 'Store' button then quickly hitting the home button, then closing the 'Store' and opening it again, but that only works if you haven't gotten the new baby and marriage update. I am too cheap to buy the real game, so I have Sims Freeplay for iPods and all the other 'i' things. What is the dark secret, The Sims FreePlay Questions and answers, iPhone/iPad. Hello Jason, it will cost 5 bronze and 2 silver orbs to build, but only after you complete the “life dreams and legacies quest” (if you do not mean the carnival big top, send me a message and I will look further into it) I hope this helps you. Personally, I think it was a great move, allowing players to experience a whole new level of. That’s probably why they up and removed all gender restrictions from The Sims 4 in a huge 2016 update that allowed male characters to strut around in stilettos, swapping beer bellies for baby bumps-and vice-versa.

Let me just put this out there: gender expectations are stupid, and Maxis knows it.